All Courses

Below you will find links to all our electrical code related courses. They are created to help you prepare for your electrical exam, learn residential electrical codes, get well versed in commercial electrical codes and even teach you the fundamentals of grounding and bonding. However, maybe you just want to start off with some electrical theory? Well, we have you covered in our Academy.

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Below are LINK to each of our online courses with a brief description.

Introducing Electrical Exam FAST TRAX® PLUS Exam Preparation and NEC Learning Program by Electrical Code Academy, Inc. this is a self-paced course designed to help electricians pass their electrical exam by increasing your National Electrical Code knowledge [NEC] look-up speed while also teaching basic load calculations used in the National Electrical Code®. This PLUS course also includes 12-month access to our Exclusive Video Database.

Introducing Electrical Exam FAST TRAX® Black Exam Preparation and NEC Learning Program by Electrical Code Academy, Inc. this is a self-paced course designed to help electricians pass their electrical exam by increasing your National Electrical Code knowledge [NEC] look-up speed while also teaching basic load calculations used in the National Electrical Code®. NOTE: NO EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INCLUDED

Introducing the electrical industry’s most comprehensive online-based curriculum program ever created. Electrical Code Academy, Inc. has put together this all-inclusive 365 Day course designed to touch every critical aspect of Residential Wiring. This course covers 33 Chapters that include blueprint reading to systematical explanations of every residential wiring phase. There is no Residential Wiring course like this anywhere.

Introducing the electrical industry’s most comprehensive online-based curriculum program ever created. Electrical Code Academy, Inc. has put together this all-inclusive 365 Day course designed to touch every critical aspect of Commercial Wiring. This course covers 22 Chapters that include blueprint reading to systematical explanations of every commercial wiring phase, including lessons on subjects like an emergency, legally required, and optional standby system. There is no commercial wiring course like this anywhere.

Introducing the electrical industry’s most comprehensive  online-based curriculum program ever created. Electrical Code Academy, Inc. has put together this all-inclusive 365 Day course designed to touch every critical aspect of Grounding & Bonding. Including hundreds of illustrations to help hammer home the importance of Grounding and Bonding.

Electricity 101 – The Working Guide to Electricity provides a critical foundation in electrical theory, which forms the backbone for all careers that encompass the electrical industry, including motor controls, PLCs, lineman, contractors, fiber optics, and wiring. Assuming no prior knowledge of electricity, the author uses practical examples to introduce basic electrical circuits, DC and AC theory, as well as meters, transformers, and motors. The author also limits math to basic algebra and trigonometry with step-by-step examples. All information and updates reflect the latest National Electric Code. MindTap multimedia online resources, testing, and a lab manual are also available.